Brazanja - mother of dressage exports

Brazanja (5) 15039 by Brabant 448 out of Poncia (5) 11597 by Pontus 497-Toreador 418 was born 1981. Her breeder was Evert Håkansson. As 1-year old Brazanja was sold to Inger Persson in Lövestad. Brazanjas mother Poncia was a diploma mare and grandmother Patricia (5) 9246 got a A-premium for her offsprings.
Brazanja belongs to mare familj 5, Hoby family, which is one of the larges mare familys in Sweden. Brazanjas first offspring was born 1985 (a mare by Orust 639) and 1986 was a colt (by Magini 695) namned Martell born.

Martell got 699 for his gaites as 4-year old. He was sold to USA and then to a lady in Mexico. Martell was trained by Herbert Rehbein in Germany. Karin Rehbain competed Martell in the German dressage championship 1997.

Brazanjas daughter Tiara (5) 28254 (born 1999 by Tip-Top 962) has got five offsprings.

Hermes 1086 by Rambo-Urbino. Photo by Lars Nickesson.


Briar 899

Chapman 757

Piaff 399

Ravell 959


Brazanja 15039

Princess Fair 15039

Russi 8001

SWB results at...

European Dressage Championships

European Showjumping Championships

European Eventing Championships

World Championships in dressage

World Championships in show jumping                

World Championships in eventing

World Championships in driving

Olympic Games in dressage

Olympic Games in show jumping

Olympic Games in eventing

World Cup Dressage Final

WCYH dressage

WCYH show jumping

WCYH eventing


SWB in Eurodressage Greatest Oldies

29 december 2009
Gauguin de Lully (CH, born 1975 by Chagall out of Gasparona (43) by Gaspari-Drabant, breeder Hans-Jakob Fünfschilling),
read the story Gauguin de Lully CH, a Swiss Gentleman >>

7 january 2010
Ajax (SWB, born 1957 by Jovial out of Nejlika (40) 4664 by Novarro-Effendi, breeder Sixten Pohl),
read the story Ajax, a Swedish Legend >>

3 february 2010
Dante (SWB, born 1979 by Duell out of Limona 11342 by Um Said xx-Corso, breeder Per Ivander),
read the story Dante, One in a Century >>

14 september 2010
Wolfdietrich (SWB, born 1951 by Daladier xx out of Kasanette by Talisman-Ebonit, breeder Carl Herslow),
read the story Wolfdietrich, Chammartin´s Aristocrat >>


23 september 2010
Woermann (SWB, born 1951 by Dianthus out of Huaina 4015 by Hubertus-Attino),
read the story Woermann, a Rascal on the Olympic Throne >>

9 november 2010
Emirage (SWB, born 1975 by Emir out of Gumman (17) 10936 by Qantas xx-Eros),
read the story Emirage, the Pracht Family´s Olympian >>


Russi 8001 - mother of two Olympic medalist!

Russi (36) 8001 was bred 1966 by Bengt Erlandsson at Röddinge in Sjöbo, Sweden. Russi was a black mare by Utrillo 432 out of Rosana (36) 6898 by Ozon 398 - Nagel 171. She was her mother Rosana first foal.

Russi got her first offspring in 1970. It was a colt by Orkan 444, her second offspring born 1971 was a colt by Cecil 453. He was exported to Switzerland in 1975. 1972 Russi got a colt by Astronaut 441. He died in a accident as 1-year old. 1973 Russi got a colt by Ceylon 454. He was exported to Switzerland in 1976.

1974 Russi got a brown colt by Emir 471, called Reipo. Reipo was exported to Canada. In 1987 he got approved in USA. He got 98789=41 points for his conformation. Ashley Holzer and Reipo represented Canada at the 1988 Olympics in Seoul where they were member of Canada’s Bronze medal winning team. They placed 6th in the World Cup finals in Sweden 1989. Reipo is father of the Canadian bred Swedish Warmblood mare Raffles. Raffles and Andrea Bresee was member in The Canadian Dressage Team won the Silver Medal at the 2007 Pan American Games in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.


Russi got her sixth colt 1975, by Flamingo 481, called Rochus.

Rochus was exported to Switzerland in 1978. The Switzerland team with Doris Ramseier and Rochus got a bronze medal at the World Championships in Cedar Valley, Canada 1986.

At the Olympic Games in Seul 1988 the Switzerland team with Samuel Schatzmann and Rochus got a silver medal. The Switzerland team with Rochus and Samuel Schatzmann got a bronze medal in the European Championship in Mondorf les Bain, Luxemburg 1989. The Switzerland team with Samuel Schatzmann and Rochus got a bronze medal at The World Championships in Stockholm, Sweden 1990.

1976 Russi got her first filly, Ramona by Flamingo 481. 1977 Russi got a filly by Guvernör 495, she died as 1-year old. 1978 Russi got a filly by Janko 549 called Rosana II. She has studbook number 18254. 1979 Russi got a black filly by Vilmorence xx, who died. 1980 Russi´s fifth filly was born, Starlight by Vilmorence xx. Russi´s last offspring was born 1981, a filly by Maraton, called Marabou.

Russi passed away in 1982.


Source: Several competition result lists and ASVH.